About Us
We are a low-key club of about 50 members, based in the greater Boston area.  We meet monthly, usually pond-side, when the weather allows it.  Our meetings are rather informal, with little time spent on business, and lots of time talking about RC boats.  Our members are a creative bunch, and there is usually an interesting array of models at our gatherings.

Our interests include:
Pleasure craft
Sailboats (both scale and racing)
Pond Sailers

Visitors are always welcome at our events.   If you have an RC Scale Boat, bring it along!! 
(Note:  Gas or glow fuel powered boats are not allowed to run on the park ponds we use.)    

Contact us at officers@marinemodelers.org  for more information.

We also have an active presence on FaceBook!  Just search for "Marine Modelers Club"

For website issues, contact the webmaster@marinemodelers.org.

The MMC is a Scale Ship Modelers Association of North America Chartered Club.
Learn more about the SSMA here...